Land of dreams
As far back as I remember, I had avoided eating too close to bed time. Mainly, I have nightmares when I go to sleep on a full stomach. As I got older, the types of dreams that qualified for nightmares changed drastically. And instead of scary they became simply FUCKED UP! I cannot even begin to describe to you the multitude of dreams that I had lived through over the years. I think I had the most interesting ones during college, and lucky for her, my best friend heard them the next morning, since she was also my roommate. It made for an interesting breakfast whenever I would greet her by saying: "you would not believe the dream I had last night!"
Well, last night was no different. OK, it was a little different. I had chili for dinner and went to sleep not too long after that. So not only did I have an "interesting" dream, I had gas as well. Lucky for the cats. But the dream is what blew my mind. I saw in my dream a guy I knew in college, and might have had a crush on for a week. The funny thing is that the last time I saw this guy was over 6 years ago, and I had absolutely no reason to be reminded of him. I also have no idea where he went after college, since we weren't close friends or had many friends in common. But in my dream, he told me that he was thinking about moving from California to the Midwest, and later in the dream he said that he first wasn't sure but that he wanted to stay in the Midwest because he had fallen in love. With me. And I was happy. I woke up happy.
When I got up, I tried to search for him online to see if I could find his email to send him an email to say hello. I had no intention to say any more or any less. I just felt that there was a reason I suddenly thought of him, and wanted to check on him. Of course I didn't find an email for him, but I did find that he does actually live in California. I don't about you, but it's not every day that I can accurately dream where people are living. Holy crap, I completely forgot about contacting him and sat there thinking: WHERE THE HELL IS THIS COMING FROM?
Though, I guess from now on, if I ever forget where someone lives, I could just try dreaming of them and figure out their current residence. It's like dreaming the white pages. Sweet!
you should definitely get in touch with him. i believe in stuff like that. like, there's probably a reason for the dream or something... :)
i had a dream about C cheating on me the other day. when i woke up and told him, his first reply was "was she hot?". fortunately she wasn't. she was kinda like the ugly betty type of boring skinny girl, so. i'm not worried... ;)
Well, I sent him an email. I'm not actually interested in his response.
C is pretty funny!
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