"Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like."

Friday, March 30, 2007

One summary of a trip to Europe

No, this isn't a cop out, I will eventually tell a little story about each place I visited, but before I forget, here are two lists to summarize my thoughts about my trip relating to things I missed or didn't miss from the US.

Things I did not miss while in Europe:
- SUVs
- Bad drivers
- Masked discrimination
- People who are fakely nice
- Big modern buildings all over
- Materialism in every aspect of life
- Too many extremely obese people
- People like Paris Hilton making headlines
- Not feeling safe walking alone in the night time
- Public transportation that doesn't cover the entire city
- The average person having no knowledge of the world
- The average person not caring to know about the rest of the world
- The general lack of beautiful historic buildings and a rich history in general

Thing I did miss while in Europe:
- My cat
- My Internet
- Cheap diet coke
- Big cups of coffee
- Friends and family
- People respecting lines
- People being fakely nice
- Free water at restaurants
- My apartment, especially my bed
- Sushi in particular, and ethnic food restaurants in general
- Being able to use a credit card to pay for a $2 purchase without feeling guilty


Kranki said...

It's been a long time but I totally remember that sinking feeling coming home from the airport seeing all the tacky modern buildings opposed to all the lovely architecture one sees in Europe. Talk about culture shock. Good thing sleeping in your own bed makes up for it all.

KULA said...

Kranki - Oh the bed felt SO good! But yes, I even said to a friend when we were walking in downtown that I did not miss the skyscrapers. They seem so cold and impersonal and lacking in history. Oh well :)