"Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like."

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

it's Official

Here's my official FUCK YOU to the Catholic Church and the Pope. I'm Catholic from my mom's side of the family, but will have nothing to do with that church, proving time and again that it's defective and erroneous. I'm not religious, but respect most religions and their teachings. Not the Catholic Church. Today the Pope apparently issues a release saying that other Christian sects are not real churches. It's funny that he cites the Orthodox Church as one of those. I'm Orthodox from my dad's side of the family. If you want to look at the details, and the history, well, not so much the history, but the story I like to call the Bible, the churches in the Middle East are actually the real ones. Jesus didn't come, allegedly anyway, from Europe, he was born, raised, and died in the Middle East. The languages spoken in those regions like Syriac and Assyrian are very close to Aramaic, the language allegedly spoken by Jesus. Not Latin. Not German.

So Mr. Pope: FUCK YOU! Who died and made you king? Yes, that's what you are. A king, in a fancy dress and a fancy hat. Everything that is anti-Christian. What happened to simplicity? Jesus didn't die for you. I don't remember reading that Jesus said he was dying for the Catholic Church, which interestingly was established long after Jesus' time. In fact, the people who later became Catholics, are descendants of the people who persecuted Christians and wanted to kill Jesus. In a world already filled with hatred and wars, you would think this would be the last thing on a true Christian's mind: sectarianism and hatred - two very un-Christian ideas.

What would Jesus do? Not what the Pope is doing.

But the Catholic people who blindly believe the bullshit fed to them through these fancy-dressing assholes deserve to be under their guidance, or lack thereof. I for one, have long ago discovered that I am too smart and good of a person to remain associated with such a pretentious and corrupt organization. A true Christian doesn't judge or think he's better - something most Catholics who blindly follow everything the Catholic Church tells them, do on daily basis: judge and hate!

I am against any organized religion that builds its foundations on excluding and hating others and thinking of themselves as better for being part of that religion. Catholicism happens to be in the family, and the Pope happens to be the asshole on the news today. But if you're religion says any such bullshit as well, I am against it just as much. See? I'm an equal opportunity critic!

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