"Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like."

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Long term plan

OK, soon I'm going to go back to my French classes. I think eventually I will have to move across the pond, that is, the Atlantic pond. Fuck the American Dream, it's not for me. Just pay off the debts, sell the house, and buy a one way ticket! That's MY American Dream.

Why? You may ask. I don't have enough time or energy to type the list of things wrong with life here. There are just as many great things probably, but the bad things are things I cannot live with long term, and if I ever want to raise a family and have kids. Screw it!


Anonymous said...

You can move to Canada: great landscapes, great people and better (and cheaper)insurance and medical facilities! :)

Kranki said...

If you wanna come up for a visit to check things out just let me know.

KULA said...

Julio - I may, we'll see. I like Europe though, but Canada would do since it's so close, so I can still see my family.

Kranki - Be careful what you invite me to do, because I just may take you up on it! :)