"Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like."

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Favorite new blog...

I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed reading this blog. While on the surface, and maybe a little below the surface, it comes off as racist and generalizing, I still can enjoy it. In short, the blog is a running list of stuff that white people like, or really, a list of thing that white people like hearing themselves tell other people they do.

Please keep in mind, when the site refers to white people, it's really referring to white yuppie kids from the United States. What's great is that it is so true. In fact, I know so many people who fit every single category, myself included. But at least two or three of my friends actually fit every single category. Sad, but true!

Some posts may not seems very informative or good enough, in which case, please go ahead and read the comments people leave for the post. Never mind the few who are commenting merely to get a rise out of others, the rest are either funny or intelligent and informative, whether you agree with them or not.


Anonymous said...

that looks pretty funny. and i just read the first couple of posts :) will have to get more into it when i have more time...

happy easter, kula! :)

Eliina said...

I've definitely found that a lot of the entries apply to me. Fortunately I don't mind being mocked. :)

Alli Easley said...

Girl, I love that damn blog. Especially since my husband isn't "White" per se, and yet...he totally is on the inside. I could laugh all day at that dang blog.

Daisy said...

Just heard about the big earthquake in the midwest. Are you and your family ok?

KULA said...

Kim - A little late, but happy easter to you too :)

Eliina - You are OK when you admit that you do fit those things. It's the people who think they're not who are the worst!

Alli - What did you husband say when you told him that he's "white?"

Daisy - It was not a BIG earthquake. It happened in the middle of the night and most people didn't feel it. I think we got the ripple effect here since it actually happened in southern IL.