"Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like."

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sending out "THANK YOU" to a few people

I just can't let go of the fact that there are a few people in my life who I considered good friends who still have not picked up the phone or even sent an email inquiring about how my surgery went. And I know they know that I had a surgery. But instead of bitching about those people, I'm going to send shout outs to the wonderful ones who actually lived up to being labeled "friends" - not that I'm into labels, but we'll let it go this time:

- A friend who's a nurse, living in another city, who was the first one to decipher for me the results of my MRI and answered my many questions. She could've done it without actually going above and beyond to really put my mind to ease about the decisions I had to make. She at least seemed to really genuinely care and was a great resource.

- Another friend who's a nurse practitioner who actually works in the hospital where I ended up having the surgery. She also went above and beyond, and was actually the one who came to take me to the ER when things got ugly, and made sure that I had the best care possible.

- A few of my friends who actually came and visited me at the hospital before and after the surgery.

- The people who took care of my cats and condo.

- The friends from work who sent me flowers to the hospital.

- The friends who sent me cards.

- The friend who wants to send me a care package.

- The friend who drove over 40 miles round trip to bring me a sushi lunch when I came home and hang out with me.

- The friends who visited me after I came back home and brought all sorts of delicious treats and just great company.

- The numerous friends who sent genuine notes and emails with true concern and inquiring about what happened. Not just a half-assed: I hope you feel better. Though that counts for a little something too.

I hope I didn't forget anyone. I mean, of course my family, who were technically "required" to be there and care. But then again, I know many people with families that don't give a damn. So thanks mom, dad, and bro.


Daisy said...

Hope you're feeling better!

Anonymous said...

man, i can't WAIT to see you in december. also, can you send someone over to take care of our apartment and cat so i can take off for four weeks? thanks! :)

Kranki said...

Nothing like a serious health crisis to show you who your friends are and aren't. Of course, finding this out at the time when you need your buddies the most kinda sucks. I had one 'friend' who I never heard from for over a year after I told her of my cancer diagnosis. All of a sudden she started calling me again when I was well and was wondering why I didn't want to hang out. Um, because you totally abandoned me. Also one friend apologised for being a bad friend through my cancer and then I still never hear from her.

But, like you I found friends in unexpected places. So YAY! for friends who show they love you. It doesn't need to be grand, or expensive. It is the little things.

I hope you continue to feel better everyday.

KULA said...

Daisy - Feeling much better, thanks :)

Kim - Hey, why don't you bring the cat with you, and she can stay with me and my two kitties while you go around the country! :)

Kranki - Wow, that person sounds like a swell friend. NOT! But you're right, sometimes we find friends in the most unexpected places, say, like on a blog, in Canada (or Germany - ala Kim) :)