"Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like."

Monday, July 14, 2008

Mean mean me

I know this will come as a shock to many of you, especially those who know me personally, but I have a constant feeling of guilt. People may not know it, but sometimes they say something that may not invoke a reaction right away, but deep inside they plant a seed of guilt that will grow into a little flesh eating organism that will eat me from the inside out, until I somehow find a way to get over it. In an attempt to not deal with such guilt-like feeling, I usually let things slip and go. But it's funny how when you do that so many times, it actually goes unnoticed, and then when the roles are reversed, people make a big stink about things. No specific names mentioned, and not specific events will be discussed here, yet.

But I usually don't know how to deal with rude people in certain situations, and I awkwardly succumb to whatever they're doing, and just get upset about it later on my own. Maybe the kitten gets drop-kicked when I get home to relief some of the anger. OK, OK, the kitten does not get harmed. But as an example, let's say I'm waiting in line at the post office, and someone just walks up and cuts in front of me and goes to the clerk. I will get upset and huff and puff and grunt at the person to show them that I am not satisfied with what they just did. That person may or may not notice, but they're already giving their stupid mail to the clerk, so what do they care how fast and loud I can get air out of my nose and mouth? They don't care!

Well, earlier today I went in to see my doctor, and I was standing at the reception desk to talk to the receptionist to get me in for my appointment. Two other people were standing behind me waiting their turn as well. As I started talking, this old lady with a cane, and hair that has not been washed since 1985, and a typical attitude of entitlement to whatever service is being offered, walks right up to the reception desk and starts talking to the receptionist. I stop, turn to her and say "excuse me, I am speaking with the receptionist because it's my turn. There's a queue here, and I think everyone would appreciate it if you waited your turn." She looks at me and says: "but I have a medical problem." I say to her: "this is a doctor's office, no one is here to get a lollipop." She looks at me with her eyes about to pop out, and she walks to the back of the line. One of the two ladies behind me mouths to me "THANK YOU!"

You see, many times, I would've been guilted into letting the "old person" do whatever, but I have had enough. This attitude that some people have where they feel entitled to services ahead of others is so ridiculous and annoying. I figured if this lady was there for a check up, she can wait, and if she were in really bad pain, she'd go to the ER. My patience had run out, and I acted upon it. I don't care how old you are, or what color you are, or what religion you are, you stand in line wherever the line ends when you get to it. It's one of my pet peeves, cutting in line in front of people, and today, it happened to me and I was in the right mood to tell this lady off, and it was the right thing to do. Maybe some would call it mean, but you know, the two people standing behind me in line didn't think so, and if you were in line too, you would've not either!


Kranki said...

You are my freakin' hero! I wish I was there to witness it go down.

I, too, often speak out when folks pull that kind of crap and the funny thing is that if my mom is with me she cringes in embarrassment. I have no idea who taught me to be assertive like that but it definitely wasn't my mother.

Anonymous said...

GOOD FOR YOU! i've always been kind of a "i say what i think" person. a lot of times, that's not much fun but that's just the way it is. i don't want to end up with those gut-eating feelings of "i should have" or "if i only..." or even worse: let the tiny thing someone did to annoy me grow into a huge burden that i think about all day ONLY because i didn't get it out of my system right there and then!

PS: i HATE old people who think they can do anything they want simply because they are old and/or handicapped in any way. i am the first one to get up in a bus and offer my seat or help the old lady with her groceries but i HATE people like the woman you described. pretty much like i hate anyone who thinks that for some reason it's okay for them to not care about other people out there: the mom with a stroller almost running you over on the sidewalk, the rich guy with a fat car who thinks it's okay for HIM to park on a bike-path andsoonandsoforth.

ahrg, this actually just got me riled up because i think if all of us would just be a bit more considerate of everyone around us, the world would be a lot more fun.

Daisy said...

BRAVO!!! I am glad you spoke up. I too hate people who think they're entitled because they're old. My former mother-in-law could have been the woman you described to a T. She used to act like she was this feeble, needy sweet old lady, but she was a shrewd bitch who knew exactly what she was doing and/or saying. I am much older now but I still see everyday how old people think they're entitled. I wish there were more people like you. Do not go to the grocery store on senior citizen day. They'd just as soon run you over than go around. I vowed a long time ago to not act like them!

KULA said...

Kranki - Same here, this trait of my personality is definitely not from my mother. I'm becoming more and more assertive as I get older.

Kim - sorry, didn't mean to get you all riled up. I totally agree though, people who have this feeling of entitlement need to be told otherwise. Like the people who are slightly older who expect people to get up for them on the bus. Now, I don't do it at all, because I have a back problem, and just because I'm young doesn't mean you're more entitled to my seat. Of course if the person is really old or is on crutches, then yes.

Daisy - You better not be that person, otherwise, I will be yelling at you :)