"Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like."

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Random thoughts and reflections

Random Thought #1

I got on the bus the other day and was on my home, completely engrossed by the fact that it was 9 pm and I was just going home. No big deal, life goes on. Then someone gets on the bus, asks the bus driver a question. The driver stops the bus and turns to the rest of us and says:
"Does anyone know if this bus route has a stop on Chicago Ave?"

EXCUSE ME! For some wild reason, I was under the (obviously erroneous) impression that bus drivers knew where they were going. Obviously in Chicago, where the average level of education for a CTA employee is fifth grade, at best, that is not the case. I was scared, very very scared, that I was not going to get home that night. Mainly because the bus driver did not seem to know where she was driving the bus.

I know, male chauvinists are saying now: "UGH, woman drivers!" I think it had less to do with her gender, and more to do with the fact that she probably couldn't read the screen that hangs above her head that not only tells her the exact route she's driving, but it actually has an audio output that says the names of the stops.

Random Thought #2

I just tried to underline the headings, and it seems that Blogger has some beef with underlining, and you no longer can underline words to emphasize. You can bold or italicize, but not UNDERLINE. I obviously made it all CAPS because I can't UNDERLINE! If you know me, you know that UNDERLINING is my favorite emphasis tool. My day is officially ruined!

Random Thought #3

For someone who spends a LOOOOOOOOOOOT of time on the Internet, I am not very good with techy-talk. I don't understand half of it, and the other half that I understand, I think is too dorky for me to even admit that I know it. I have never EVER used the term "lol" in an on-line conversation. Why? Because I think HAHA is better and more realistic. OK, so on occasion I have used BRB or ... wait, that's the only one I have really ever used. Yes, I am a snob, and I am completely above that geeky talk.

Anyway, I noticed a few people using the word "kitteh" when talking about a kitten. The first few times it happened, I just assumed it was a typing mistake, but then I realized that the letter H can't be easily mistyped with the letter N. Yes, they are close on the keyboard, but that usually happens when letter are right next to each other, like N and M, or G and H, but not diagonal like H and N. The next thought was that maybe "kitteh" meant something, but my foreign brain did not know the meaning. Maybe if I would've moved to the US when I was in third grade, I would know the proper use of the word "kitteh."

So I decided to ask the Internet what that meant. The first clue that a word is not really a word is when within the first 2 or 3 search results is a link to Urban Dictionary. Turns out it's a geeky computer word for a kitten. I don't get it, it's the same number of letters, and probably requires more effort to type the wrong letter at the end of the word. According to Urban Dictionary it's an
"Online usage of the word 'kitty' or 'cat'. Found most often in the context of lolspeak, or in the anthropomorphism of cats in pictures and other media." (emphasis added).

But Urban Dictionary gives an even better definition of it as:
"a word normally used to replace the word 'kitty' on perhaps 'kitten.' normally used in online talk or idiots who spend to much time on the computer and need to loose 200 pounds."

I like that definition despite misspelling the word LOSE. But that fits my personality better, to give it a definition using the meanest attitude possible.


Kranki said...

I've never used LOL either. I'm a "HEE!" kinda gal. I do use kitteh because it is almost exactly how I say the word when being sweet/sarcastic about cats and their weird and wonderful ways.

Anonymous said...

Re. RT#1: I guess she's the type of people that drives based on landmarks and are screwed when those landmarks are moved or gone...

I'm usually amazed when I take a taxi and the driver asks me: "how should I get there?" Aren't you the taxi drivers? Come on...

I read somewhere that in some countries (I recall Germany was one of them), to be a taxi driver you should know your way around in detail...

Better luck next time!

KULA said...

Kranki - I am still not too crazy about "kitteh," but I know you're not 200 lbs overweight, so it's all good :)

Julio - Yeah, I've had a few cab drivers who look at me when I tell them where to go and say "HUH?" I always have the urge to get out of the car!