"Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like."

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Not too bad for a Thursday

Long long day at work, and I am sure this won't be the longest of my career. Being the new kid on the block means that whenever someone has a little thing that needs to be done on a project, and they'd rather not do it, they will bring it to me. I don't mind at all, because this is how you show them that you're competent and hopefully I'm already doing that. Granted, I already worked there before finishing school, so they already know. But it's nice, because now, I can definitely tell they're approaching me with a little bit more respect, and like I'm a peer more than a subordinate. Although, being in my position, I am in no position to say no. So, I'm swamped with work, and it's only my fourth day. That's the nice thing about having already worked there, I am swamped, but I am not overwhelmed.

So, today was a 12-hr day and I brought some work home, which is not getting done. I didn't realize that there was a new episode of The Office on today. But my next door neighbor, the cute liberal guy, told me that he thought I wasn't home yet, so he DVRed the show for me. After I ate a quick dinner, I went over and watched the show, and then hung out with the cute neighbor, exchanged a few good stories, and came back home. Now, I'm ready to go to bed, and I have not touched my work. I think maybe I'll go over some of it in bed, before I sleep tonight.

But let's just say, life is good. I can't tell you how much of a relief it is being done with school after 24 years of continuously being a student. And to think, there will be no more first days of school for me. I think 48 first days of class are plenty for anyone to say NO MORE! I'm ready to enjoy the good life of putting in a lot of hours into work, but getting paid, instead of paying for it. And you know, it ain't too shabby when the I get to hang out with a cute neighbor after a long day of work. I can get used to this!


Anonymous said...

(Austin Powers' voice)It's spring time, baby!(/Austin Power's voice) :P

Love is in the air!..

Kranki said...

What a very exciting place to be in your life. So much to look forward to. And Cute Neighbour? Even better!

Marit said...

go get em' tiger!

KULA said...

Kim - I know, that was really sweet. So we decided now that every Thursday he'd DVR the show for me and we'd watch it together. It's just nice to have someone nice living next door :)

Julio - It ain't no spring here, it's 32 degrees. BRRRRRR!

Kranki - Yes, there are some peaks, and they're great.

Marit - GRRRRRRRRRRR! (That me growling like a tiger).